Critical Reflection

 Module learning

Prior to the introduction of this module, I had little knowledge of how to effectively present myself in a presentation and create a technical report. Previously in my introductory letter, I mentioned that I aimed to improve on constructing my thought process into writing and coherently able to give constructive ideas for better peer interactions.

In the blink of an eye, 13 weeks of Critical thinking lessons have gone by. I can proudly state that I have made a few more friends through various mini-discussions, and am able to provide them with feedback, either verbally or in the form of written feedback forms. Helps me to become more of an active listening companion to them. Although I may be a little quiet during class, Professor Blackstone has encouraged me to be more outspoken and prompted us to read passages aloud to increase our confidence, which adversely reminds me to articulate better for my peers to listen. During the presentation week, I got to learn Garr Reynolds's presentation suggestions, it helped me Prepare, Design, and Deliver my presentation more smoothly both in the mock and actual presentations with more ease. Throughout these 13 weeks of critical thinking and learning, I believe that this module definitely helped me improve in terms of verbal and writing, and lays a solid foundation for me to build upon even greater heights for the future.

Project Learning

I always had a mind of starting a business, and through this project learning, I managed to get this head start on reading different researched papers and sources online to gather vital information on products and understand them. It will be reading intensive, however, with more sources being read, my interest grew along with it. This level of emotional response from reading materials intrigued me. With the lesson from the Librarian and Professor Blackstone, I managed to learn how to cross-reference from the sources and cite with APA style. This allows me to have the knowledge to cite for future reports along for capstone project. Although I may not be the leader of the group, but I believe each one of us should be there to pull strengths upon one another to write a fruitful technical report.

Teamwork was another lesson learned from the study endeavor. Each of us had a distinct timetable and amount of work. Since it was our first time working together, it was challenging at first. The group was able to reach a consensus, as we set a timeline, framework for our report and split the workload evenly among us, we updated each other whenever we found new leads for our reports through our plan, and we succeeded in the end and produced a report we were proud of. I believe that we all gave it our best effort, collaborated effectively, and developed our critical thinking and communication abilities as a team.

Overall, this module has taught me invaluable insights for future uses. I would like to thank Professor Blackstone for spreading his wise knowledge, positivity, and laughter to us. Also, his leniency on our deadline for reports when we are pretty tight on schedule. 


  1. Thank you, Xavier, for this frank and detailed reflection.


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